Mission Statement & Statutes

Mission Statement & Statutes

Interest Representation

As the official spokesperson towards the European institutions, the EACB commits to provide a high quality, credible voice for our 2.400 member banks. The expertise and professionalism of its staff allows the EACB to make relevant contributions in European Parliament committees, in the consultations of the European Institutions, in EU expert panels and in other relevant hearings. This input supplies cooperative banks with a frame to best serve their members and clients at a local level.

Dedication to its Members

According to the EACB’s governance principles, each full member is given the same weight in the decision-making process, regardless of its size, country of origin or its financial contribution. Furthermore, our credo “Everything we do – Everything you know” ensures the commitment of our Secretariat to inform, consult, consider and respect all opinions and advices from the members. Finally, the EACB supports the code of conduct on lobbying and is registered in the EU lobby register.

Promotion of Cooperative Values

The EACB supports and promotes the values of the cooperative business model in European and international institutions, offering an alternative to the “shareholder value model” and the financial market-oriented institutions. Central to these values is the principle of democracy “One person - One vote”. The core values of this business model of cooperative banks are; democracy -materialised by the cooperative share, a strong commitment to social values and the proximity offered by the network of more than 36,500 bank branches to its customers.

EACB Statutes

Click here to download the statutes of the European Association of Co-operative Banks.


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