In 2016, Crédit Agricole S.A. decided to adopt a new reporting approach for presenting its activity, known as integrated reporting, with the aim of providing concise, more meaningful information about Crédit Agricole's business activities.
This new integrated report is intended for all stakeholders. It is designed to provide greater clarity about what makes its universal customer-focused banking model different and how we fulfil our core mission of financing the economy. It presents the Group's organisation structure, values, business model and governance system, with a core focus on how Crédit Agricole creates value in the medium and long term by integrating key changes in the ecosystem in which it operates.
It will also help you to understand how Crédit Agricole Group's Medium-Term Plan, “Strategic Ambition 2020”, contributes to this value creation and enables us to prepare for the future.
The report has been prepared based on the guidelines published by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). It is a collective effort that involved a number of different departments. Internal working groups were set up to select, structure and report the relevant information in a meaningful way rather than attempting to be exhaustive.
With this first Integrated Report, the group is taking a new, dynamic approach to continuous progress. The report is a gateway to a series of publications (in particular the registration document, brochure on key figures and shareholders' guide), and will be enriched each year by more incisive information and new thinking inspired by best practices. Our aim is to give readers the key to a better understanding of Crédit Agricole and its strategy for serving its customers and the overall society.
Crédit Agricole hopes that this will lead to a richer dialogue with its stakeholders and for itself.
You can start this dialogue now by writing to them at