This Sustainability Report describes the economic, environmental and social impact of RZB business activities in 2016 and presents current activities in the area of sustainability. The goal of the report is to provide a comprehensive account of how the RZB Group fulfilled its sustainability mission during this reporting period, and what it plans to implement and improve upon in the future with regards to sustainability.
The report lays out the sustainability strategy together with corresponding management approaches and measures and describes specific sustainability activities that were carried out during the reporting period and before. In addition, it presents RZB' sustainability program for the next reporting period. The current reporting period follows on seamlessly from the RZB Group Sustainability Report for 2015 and the report is published annually.
Group Sustainability Management of the RBI Group is your point of contact concerning this report. The merger of RBI AG and RZB AG (see page 11 onwards) means that this department now resides within RBI AG. Comments, ideas and suggestions for improvements can be sent to