The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB), the International Confederation of Popular Banks (CIBP), the European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (UEAPME) and Unico Banking Group held the 6th European Forum on Co-operative banks and SMEs ‘Co-operative banks: a model to finance the real economy’, which took place on 1 December 2014 in Brussels.
The aim of the conference was to bring to the forefront the main elements impacting SMEs’ access to finance by taking a comprehensive perspective.
For a teaser of the event, please check the video below:
The 6th Forum made a first assessment of the new EU instruments to finance SMEs, and discussed whether regulation is an impediment or incentive for co-operative banks to finance SMEs. Stakeholders across the EU had the opportunity to exchange their views and raise their voice in the heart of Europe.
Programme of the event: click HERE.
Interpretation: English, French and Italian.
>> Speakers’ Contributions (presentations)
Roundtable 1: First Assessment of the new EU instruments to finance SMEs
- Presentation by Mr Cristea – EU Commission
- Presentation by Mr Giancoli – UNICO
- Presentation by Mr Fiordi – Creval Group
- Presentation by Mr Reyberole – SOCAMA
Roundtable 2: Regulation: impediment or incentive for co-operative banks to finance SMEs?
- Presentation by Mr Gatti – Federazione Italiana delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo
- Presentation by Mrs Vaillant – EBA
- Presentation by Mr Bohan – EU Commission
>> Other documents
EACB-UEAPME open letter. For further information, please click here.
EACB Roadmap - An Approach that balances Regulation and Stimulation of Local Growth. For further information, please click here.
>> Pictures
Pictures of the 6th European Forum will be available shortly.
>> Video