09 November 2016

European Forum on Co-operative Banks & SMEs, 9 November - Brussels

The post-event article is available HERE

The European Economic and Social Committee, the International Confederation of Popular Banks, the European Association of Co-operative Banks, the UNICO Banking Group, and the European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises will organize the conference:

“Co-operative Banks and innovation in SME Financing”

in Brussels on 9th November 2016, hosted by the EESC

The conference will bring to the forefront the raise of technology players in Financial services. The focus will be on the SMEs' financing and on the interaction between these new players and the cooperative and popular banks.

Three roundtables offer stakeholders a chance to exchange their views on:

  • Cooperation between crowdfunding platforms and cooperative/popular banks in SME lending: turning threats into opportunities
  • Innovative SME Financing with EFSI: experiences and way forward.
  • How is the regulatory framework affecting the role of co-operative banks in financing SMEs?  

-> You can register to the event HERE until the 7th of November! <-

-> Find the programme HERE <-


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