30 June 2012

Building a better world: the role of cooperatives and mutuals in society-21-22 June

The UN has declared 2012 to be International Year of Cooperatives. As part of the New Zealand celebrations of this International Year, the NZ Association for the Study of Cooperatives & Mutuals (NZASCM) will be organising an international conference on cooperative research on 21-22 June 2012 at Victoria University of Wellington entitled “Building A Better World: The Role of Cooperatives and Mutuals in Society”.

The NZASCM will be formally launched at this conference, which is being organised together with the School of Economics and Finance, Victoria University of Wellington and the New Zealand Cooperatives Association.

In addition to research presentations, the conference will include practical seminars and workshops specifically tailored towards the legal, governance, capitalisation, regulatory and accounting challenges by cooperative and mutual businesses in New Zealand. To find out more please visit our website at http://nzascm.coop.


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