06 September 2012

Evening on SEPA and Innovative Payments- 6th September 2012

The European Association of Co-operative Banks, in cooperation with the European Payments Council (EPC) and the European Banking Federation ( EBF) issued a SEPA Guidance document, aimed at providing clarity to payment service providers and payment service users on a range of practical questions related to the SEPA Regulation. This SEPA Guidance - which is also supported by VISA Europe - reflects in-depth dialogue with the industry as well as other key stakeholders and institutions. On the 6th of September, an event from 17h00 to 18h30 dedicated to SEPA and Innovative Payments is organised within the EBF premises. For more information, please contact directly Ms. Marieke van BERKEL who will also be a speaker at this event.For the full programme of this event please click HERE.


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