22 June 2022

Financial institutions outreach event on EFRAG exposure drafts on draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) jointly with its Member Organisations EACB, Accountancy Europe, EBF, EFAMA,EFFAS, ESBG, Eurosif and Insurance Europe will hold an outreach hybrid event on 22 June 2022 to discuss EFRAG Exposure Drafts on the first set of Draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

Following the European Commission’s request to EFRAG to provide Technical Advice to the prepare draft standards and/or draft amendments to EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), the organisation launched a public consultation, open for contributions until 8 August.

In this context, EFRAG together with its Member Organisations (EACB, Accountancy Europe, EBF, EFAMA, EFFAS, ESBG, Eurosif and Insurance Europe), invite all interested stakeholders to participate in their joint event.

Panellists with expertise in the financial sector will provide their views on these approaches and will further comment their perspective during three panel discussions on: Cross-cutting standards, Environmental reporting standards with an emphasis on draft ESRS E1 Climate Change and Social and Governance reporting standards.

The participants will be able to interact, raise questions and answer polling questions that will be commented by the panellists.

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