04 March 2014

SAVE THE DATE-EACB Regulatory Debate-4th March 2014 in Brussels

The EACB (European Association of Co-operative Banks) is organising a debate on ‘Regulation and the need to re-launch local growth: the role of co-operative banks’, in close co-operation with the European Economic and Social Committee on the 4th of March 2014 in Brussels.


  • First assessments of the new financial services regulatory framework in Europe
  • Latest thinking on further structural reforms and challenges to implement further stability measures
  • How to balance regulation and growth?
  • How to formulate simpler, more understandable and proportionate rules to ensure market diversity in the EU banking industry?
  • Will co-operative banks distinguishing features (client/members relationship and local financing) be affected by the implementation of banking reforms?


Top level speakers from the EU Commission, European Parliament, European Economic and Social Committee, European Central Bank, European Banking Authority, European Central banks, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Co-operative Banks and Academics

Moderated by: Silvia Pavoni, Economic editor, The Banker magazine


Simultaneous translation to English, French, German and Italian

**Attendance by invitation only.**


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