In December 2011 the EACB issued, in collaboration with the European think tank on co-operative banks, a Call for Papers for the first EACB award for young researchers on co-operative banks. The purpose of this award was to stimulate research on co-operative banks and point out the vital role they play in the economy.
Co-operative Banks play a key role in the European financial and banking systems. Half of all existing banks in Europe belong to the decentralised network of co-operative banks while their market share in the enlarged EU is about 20%. In some countries, the market share on deposits lies well above this figure, as is the case in Austria, Germany, Finland, France, Italy and the Netherlands.
The EACB received ten applications, from six different countries and on a broad array of subjects related to co-operative banks. The scientific committee of the first EACB award for young researchers on co-operative banks, after careful selection and according to the criteria established in the Call for Papers, has selected the following winners:
1. Ms. Monica Lopez-Puertas Lamy, University Carlos III (Madrid), "Commercial banks versus Stakeholder banks: same business, same risks, same rules?"
2. Mr. Angelo Leogrande, University 'Aldo Moro' (Bari), "Co-operative banks vs. Financial crisis"
3. Ms. Diana Lima, University of Surrey, "Forecasting insolvencies of Portuguese Co-operative Banks"
3. Pf. Davide Salvatore Mare, University of Edinburgh Business School, "Predicting small bank failures using macroeconomic factors"
The laureates were awarded the prizes on the 6th of December 2012 during the 5th Convention on Co-operative banks ( see picture above)