For the twelfth consecutive year, the Italian Cooperative Credit Banks and, for the second year, Confcooperative adhere to the initiative "M'illumino di meno", promoted by the radio show "Caterpillar" of Rai Radio2 on the occasion of the Energy Saving Day which will take place tomorrow 6th of March.
On this occasion, Federcasse (the Italian Federation of BCC and Casse Rurali) and Confcooperative (the Confederation of Italian Cooperatives) proposed to the Cooperative Credit Banks and cooperatives in general belonging to the Confederation to create energy saving initiatives that have as their theme "We put down roots for the future ". This is in fact the slogan chosen to show the commitment of the BCCs and the Italian cooperative movement to safeguard and protect the environment in favor of sustainable development. A commitment that takes on even more significant value in the context of the ten-year program launched by the European Commission, known as the European Green Deal .
The BCCs have always been committed, by their statutes and by their strategic choices, to finance the development of the real economy in the territories in which savings are collected, with a view to intergenerational responsibility, to promote actions in favor of sustainable progress, environmental education and landscape protection: 91 BCCs are present in 46 protected areas.
With respect to this year's theme, several BCCs have created specific and original initiatives, such as the "gift" of trees to their communities or, even, the expansion of green areas at their offices. On Friday, everywhere, there will be awareness actions by members and customers on the issue of energy saving, and also by switching off lights and electrical devices that are not essential.
In terms of energy saving, moreover, the Cooperative Credit Banks and the Italian Rural Banks have for years been promoting the diffusion of renewable energies among members and customers and adopting green solutions. In 2019 alone, 35,567 tons of CO2 were saved through the BCC Energia Consortium. And again, the BCCs and member companies or customers belonging to the BCC Energia Consortium, which promotes the purchase of energy from renewable sources only, in 2019 consumed 125,199,391 KWh of green energy at favorable conditions, saving 1.3 million of Euro. From the birth of BCC Energia to today, the overall savings have been over 22.4 million euros.
Discover more intiatives from Italian co-operative banks by reading the full article.
Source: Federcasse Website