Share your ideas at the Rabobank Forum
The year 2012 has been proclaimed by the United Nations as the International Year of Cooperatives. The UN seizes this opportunity to underline the importance of the cooperative as a valuable business form for the world economy, and to stimulate cooperatives to be set up worldwide. As a partner of the UN, Rabobank would like to build a dialogue around two themes:
- What is your definition of cooperative banking?
- As a cooperative financial institution, what role might Rabobank play in working towards more sustainable food chains?
Tell us!
Write your personal statement and share it with Rabobank. Rabobank has launched a virtual platform to set up the dialogue and we are curious to learn about your ideas concerning co-operative banking and the role Rabobank might play in working towards more sustainable food chains. New and critical ways of thinking, striking examples and guiding words: that is what Rabobank is looking for with the Rabobank Forum. Together the contributions will constitute the Rabobank Statement, which details how Rabobank will commit itself for the long run with respect to the two themes.
At you will find a list of people and the ideas they have already shared with Rabobank. Do you dare to take the challenge and tell to Rabobank your ideas?