23 November 2020

EACB webinar: European co-operative banks in 2019: a concise assessment

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The EACB is pleased to announce the launch of a new publication entitled “European co-operative banks in 2019: a concise assessment” by Tilburg University. The publication reviews developments in the overall performance of 18 co-operative banking groups in 13 European countries for 2019.

The main objective of the report is to disseminate and analyse facts and figures of European co-operative banking groups objectively. This is highly important, especially in light of present economic and financial perspectives, structural developments in banking and eminent changes in banking supervision and regulation. The document also compares the performance metrics of co-operative banks to that of all other banks in recent years. Based on standard bank performance metrics, it can be objectively concluded that economic and financial developments impact differently on co-operative banks compared to banks with other organisational forms. These findings can be mainly ascribed to their member-based governance. If business models and orientations of banks vary, they are not hit in the same way and to the same extent by all types of distortions. From this reasoning, it follows that regulators should encourage diversity and promote banks oriented to support SMEs and households at the domestic level.


10:30 – 10:35 Opening and welcome
Hervé Guider, EACB General Manager

10:35 – 11:10 Presentation of the paper “European co-operative banks in 2019: a concise assessment”
Prof. Dr. Hans Groeneveld, Tilburg University

11:10 – 11:25 Q&A session

11:25 – 11:30 Closing of the event
Berry Marttin, EACB President



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