24 - 31 May 2019

[POST-EVENT] EACB workshop on Sustainable Finance 24th May in Paris

The European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB) would like to thank all the speakers and participants of the EACB Workshop on Sustainable Finance, held in Paris on the 24th of May 2019. Please find below all the usefull links :

Please find the EACB workshop on Sustainable Finance's declaration HERE

Please find the press release HERE

Please find the summary of the event HERE

The pictures of the event HERE

The slide accompanying the presentation of Ms. Sylvie Goulard, Deputy Governor of Banque de France HERE

We look forward to meeting you again at one of the forthcoming events of our Association !

Background & scope

EU Institution and international players have launched a number of initiatives in order to mobilise financing of sustainable projects on a global scale. Channelling public and private funds is considered indispensable for reaching tangible results in the fight against climate change according to the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.
At the EU level, a very ambitious Action Plan was launched in March 2018 leading to rapid acceleration of legislative and non-legislative initiatives. At international level, fast-moving developments have taken place under the roof of the Network (of Central Banks and Supervisors) for Greening the Financial Systems and UNEP FI (United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative). In spring 2019, just before EU elections, some of those developments will be reaching advanced stage: 1/ the Network for Greening the Financial System will release its first Report on climate risk on 17th April; 2/ Some milestones will have been reached on key elements of the legislative framework addressing investment services such as the regulation of disclosures and ESMA technical advice for integrating sustainability and risk factors in MIFIDs); 3/ UNEP FI Principle for Responsible Banking - of which EACB is a supporting Institutions- will be approaching finalisation, as the deadline for consultation with stakeholders is 31st May.
Thus the event will be an occasion to tackle the momentum and discuss, at a crucial point in time, those relevant topics in an informal settings.




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