18 March 2020

EP breakfast discussion on the taxonomy regulation: co-operative banks testimonies on how to design a workable framework

On Wednesday, 18th of March 2020 (from 8h00 to 09h30am), the EACB will organise an EP breakfast discussion in collaboration with Federcasse and hosted by MEP Simona Bonafè (S&D) at the European Parliament in Brussels. Discussion will focus on ‘The taxonomy regulation: co-operative banks testimonies on how to design a workable framework’

- Ms. Simona Bonafè, Member ENVI, European Parliament (shadow rapporteur)
- Mr. Hervé Guider, General Manager, European Association of Cooperative Banks
- Mr. Sergio Gatti, General Manager, Federcasse
- Mr. Mario Nava, Director Horizontal Policies, DG FISMA European Commission
- Other speakers to be announced

The event is for members only, for more info, please contact the EACB Secretariat secretariat@eacb.coop. 


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