19 November 2020

Small in size, big in impact: Can NFI work for SMEs?

How can non-financial information (NFI) reporting work for SMEs?

SMEs are increasingly required to provide NFI reports, which is a heavy administrative burden, even though these are not (yet) demanded by legislation. These NFI requests come from their supply chains, banks or as part of public procurement. The webinar will discuss the challenges and opportunities for SMEs and present solutions to help SMEs cope.

ACCA, Accountancy Europe, EACB and SME United are delighted to co-organise this webinar and look forward to welcoming you on 19 November.


Alain Deckers, DG FISMA, European Commission (tbc)
Lara Wolters, MEP S&D/Netherlands
Luc Hendrickx, Director, SME United
Bouke de Vries, Chair of EACB SFWG, Rabobank
Paul Gisby, Senior Manager, Accountancy Europe

Moderator Aleksandra Zaronina-Kirillova, Head of SMEs Affairs, ACCA

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